Signs That You May Need a Root Canal

Signs That You May Need a Root Canal

Root canals offered by your dentist in Southgate, ME, Dr. Orendorf of South Berwick Dental, ease your pain and help you avoid tooth loss. Have you been wondering if the pain in your tooth might be a sign a root canal is in your future? These symptoms are common warning signs.

Tooth pain

Pain occurs due to an infection or inflammation in your tooth pulp if you need a root canal. Located in the center of your tooth, the pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and tissues. The pulp is essential when your tooth is forming but can be removed from a mature tooth without causing problems. After the pulp is removed during a root canal, the tooth is filled with a rubber-based filling material.

Tooth pain can be severe, but that's not always the case. If you only notice a mild toothache or your symptoms come and go, your pulp may still be infected or inflamed. Eventually, the pain may worsen or become constant if you don't schedule a visit with the Southgate dental office.

Does your tooth hurt more when you chew? Chewing, biting, or even pressing on your tooth with your finger may trigger pain if you need a root canal. Sensitivity to sugary, hot, or cold beverages and foods may occur. After you eat or drink these foods and drinks, pain can last as long as 30 minutes.

Inflamed gum

The gum around your tooth can also be affected by the changes deep inside your tooth. You may notice that the gum surrounding it is red, swollen, and painful.

Fever, pain and facial swelling

If you feel terrible and your tooth hurts, you may have a dental abscess. The symptoms are caused by a bacterial infection in your tooth. Other symptoms may include swollen lymph nodes, a pimple-like bump on your gum, or pus around your tooth. Abscess are dental emergencies and require immediate treatment to prevent the infection from spreading via your bloodstream.


Infected or inflamed teeth can change color. If a tooth darkens, you may have a problem with your tooth pulp.

An injury to your tooth

Root canal therapy may be needed to save teeth that are injured or knocked out then reimplanted. If your tooth was injured, loosened, or knocked out when you fell or received a blow to the face, call the dentist as soon as possible.

Root canal therapy helps you protect your smile! If you have any of these signs and symptoms, schedule an appointment with your Southgate, ME, dentist, Dr. Orendorf of South Berwick dental. Call his South Berwick office at (207) 384-2176 to make your appointment.

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